Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hackintosh Mini

If you are looking to build a fast, stable and economic OSX86 machine try this one, hackintosh mini for less than $600.  According to Adam Dachis over at LifeHacker, he was able to put this hackintosh mini together for a very reasonable $599.65 and that includes intel i3 processor and a pretty nifty Silverstone case and power supply.

The article states that this machine will run best if you stick with the Snow Leopard OS (which is just fine with me) and the instructions include the latest and what is believed to be the final update, 10.6.

I will be building this because (I need an excuse really) having since loaded the Lion OS I have been anything but impressed and I am pretty unhappy with the lack of Rosetta PowerPC support.

The Build

Sunday, September 25, 2011

OSX86 Lion

iAtkos has released the new install for Mac OSX Lion, you download it here as well as the instructions.  I have not tested nor tried it yet. Let me know if you have and what you think.

The forum, for more info and help, is here: http://uphuck.ggrn.org/forum/

Wednesday, August 24, 2011